Our approach is adaptive and circular: The analysis of needs on the ground allows us to identify gaps in existing systems, and then our foundation to “complete the missing links in the chain”, by strengthening actors and training in professions that do not exist on site.

We work directly with 2 Indian NGOs and 1 Nepalese NGO, selected for the quality of their services and the seriousness of their commitment to tribal communities. They have been established for many years and are officially recognized by the Indian and Nepalese governments.

Before starting a collaboration, a CIAO KIDS team visits the site to analyze the situation and discuss projects, then an official legal contract is signed (corporate agreement) which is renewed each year. Regular monitoring is then established with quarterly field visits by the CIAO KIDS team, as well as monthly videoconferences. NGOs must also provide detailed activity reports, budget monitoring, an annual audit, as well as personalized monitoring of all direct beneficiaries.

Collaboration with each of the NGOs is based on rigor, transparency and trust.