✨ Laxmi Success story ✨

My name is Laxmi Danuwar and I live in Bimtar. I am a single mother and I come from a modest farming family.

To feed my family, I used to grow seasonal vegetables; mustard, legumes, beans, tomatoes, etc. Not being aware of new farming techniques, my crops were always of poor quality and harvesting took a long time.

As a member of a self-management group supported by the CIAO KIDS Foundation, I had the chance to participate in an agricultural training organized by HEART of Nepal. I acquired new skills and learned techniques in particular for preparing seedlings, for selecting the best seeds, for preparing the soil, for compost, for planting, and for correctly transplanting the seedlings into the main soil.

By carefully following these tips and the different steps, I was pleasantly surprised to notice that my vegetables grow faster and are of much better quality. I have already been able to sell spinach in the local market and, with the 400 NPR I earned, I was able to buy notebooks and school materials for my children.
I now have the opportunity to sell my vegetables to schools for school children’s lunches.

I am very grateful to have benefited from this training which allowed me to acquire new skills. Thanks to the CIAO KIDS Foundation and HEART of Nepal, my economic situation is improving day by day and I can provide better education to my children.

“I have already been able to sell spinach in the local market and, with the 400 NPR that I earned, I was able to buy notebooks and school materials for my children.”
