Your donations are entirely devoted to the accomplishment of our mission in India and in Nepal. Administrative costs in Switzerland (rent, secretarial, communication, fundraising) are covered by sponsors. And you will receive a certificate allowing your donation to be tax deductible.
All you have to do is choose a project from the Ciao Kids actions below.
When making your donation, indicate the specific “mention” for the project in the payment communication section.
In advance, Ciao Kids would like to thank you very much for your generosity!
For CHF 20 you allow 3 Nepalese students to eat a hot meal per day at school for a month.
This complete and nutritious meal is essential to promote their growth.
Additionally, it motivates children to come to school and allows them to stay focused throughout the day.
For CHF 25 you allow a child to be educated and study in good conditions by offering them a school kit.
This includes all the materials the student needs as well as the annual school registration fees.
For CHF 40 you finance the professional training of a young girl in sewing or office automation (6 months) so that she develops her skills.
You thus allow her to access the job market so that she can find decent paid employment and can look forward to a better future.
Crédit Suisse AG
8070 Zürich
CH49 0483 5146 4719 4100 1
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